Saturday, January 11, 2014

Fortune Teller Program (Free Game!)

Dear Internet,

     I have programmed a Fortune Teller program for Windows.  It bestows on you one fortune a day generated around your birthday.  If you don't have a birthday then that's okay, because you can just mash the random button and have a fortune that has no basis in cosmic space time lobbed at you the same way!

     These fortunes are often comical in nature, some are outright mean spirited.  I didn't write them to be terribly mean, but then I'm not the one who determined who will get them.  I only wrote the algorithm.  So if you get a fortune that tells you that you are small in the pants then it's definitely the cosmos trying to speak to you, not me!

      The game is absolutely free and aside from some very minor resolution-related screen stretching issues works on any Windows computer XP and up as far as I know of.  I put a lot of work into it so I would be very grateful that you try it out and spread it around to find out your friends' fortunes as well!

     You can get the download by clicking here!  Thanks in advanced to anybody who tries it, I really did work hard on it!

With predestined love,
William John Holly III

PS: I am currently working on an Android app for those who prefer to play games on their phones!

Edit:  Some people are having trouble with the tinyupload site, so I'll include a couple mirrors to download from:
